Pricing Plans

Start building for free, then add a website plan to go live.
Account plans unlock additional features with expanded rate limits. With a plan, you gain access to all our endpoints. The global rate limit applies to all endpoints, unless explicitly specified differently for a particular endpoint.

In such cases, the limits specified for the specific endpoint, such as "Inventory," take precedence. Please note that using multiple accounts is grounds for suspension, and we will ban all accounts, including free ones.


Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$0.00 /mo

Billed yearly 0% discount
$0.00 /yr

Get started for free just login

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 10 200 500


Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$10.00 /mo

Billed yearly 25% discount
$90.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 50 5,000 20,000
  • Inventory 20 2,000 10,000
  • Profile 20 2,000 10,000
  • Friendlist 3 60 600


Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$20.00 /mo

Billed yearly 20% discount
$192.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 60 5,000 50,000
  • Inventory 40 5,000 20,000
  • Profile 40 5,000 20,000
  • Friendlist 3 60 600


Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$50.00 /mo

Billed yearly 20% discount
$480.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 50 20,000 500,000
  • Inventory 40 10,000 100,000
  • Profile 40 10,000 60,000
  • Friendlist 10 60 1,000


  • check_small Premium Access on Inventory (faster)
  • check_small Premium Support


Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$120.00 /mo

Billed yearly 10% discount
$1,296.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 1,000 50,000 1,000,000
  • Inventory 100 50,000 500,000
  • Profile 200 50,000 500,000
  • Friendlist 200 20,000 1,000,000


  • check_small Premium Access on Inventory (faster)
  • check_small Premium Support

Inventory Small

Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$10.00 /mo

Billed yearly 5% discount
$114.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • Inventory 20 6,000 150,000


  • check_small Top Inventory API offering comprehensive pricing data from Steam and real marketplaces, along with detailed information
  • check_small Best Price compared all Services!


Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$20.00 /mo

Billed yearly 1% discount
$237.60 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • Inventory 30 15,000 400,000


  • check_small Top Inventory API offering comprehensive pricing data from Steam and real marketplaces, along with detailed information
  • check_small Best Price compared all Services!

Inventory Pro

Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$50.00 /mo

Billed yearly 0% discount
$600.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • inventory 50 65,000 1,500,000


  • check_small Top Inventory API offering comprehensive pricing data from Steam and real marketplaces, along with detailed information
  • check_small Best Price compared all Services!

Inventory Pro+

Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$100.00 /mo

Billed yearly 0% discount
$1,200.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • inventory 80 250,000 6,500,000


  • check_small Top Inventory API offering comprehensive pricing data from Steam and real marketplaces, along with detailed information
  • check_small Best Price compared all Services!

Item Small

Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$10.00 /mo

Billed yearly 25% discount
$90.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • Item 100 5,000 100,000
  • Items 100 5,000 100,000


  • check_small You have access to single Item and to all the Items Database
  • check_small You have access to all another Endpoints to with a small rate limit


Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$20.00 /mo

Billed yearly 20% discount
$192.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • Item 500 50,000 500,000
  • Items 500 50,000 500,000


  • check_small You have access to single Item and to all the Items Database
  • check_small You have access to all another Endpoints to with a small rate limit

Item Pro

Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$40.00 /mo

Billed yearly 10% discount
$432.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • Item 1,000 50,000 1,000,000
  • Items 1,000 50,000 1,000,000


  • check_small You have access to single Item and to all the Items Database
  • check_small You have access to all another Endpoints to with a small rate limit

Item Pro+

Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$55.00 /mo

Billed yearly 10% discount
$594.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • Item 1,000 80,000 1,500,000
  • Items 1,000 80,000 1,500,000


  • check_small You have access to single Item and to all the Items Database
  • check_small You have access to all another Endpoints to with a small rate limit

Float small

Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$10.00 /mo

Billed yearly 25% discount
$90.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • Float 100 5,000 50,000


Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$20.00 /mo

Billed yearly 20% discount
$192.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • Float 200 20,000 500,000

Float Pro

Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$40.00 /mo

Billed yearly 10% discount
$432.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • Float 400 100,000 2,000,000

History Small

Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$20.00 /mo

Billed yearly 0% discount
$240.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • History 100 10,000 150,000

Profile Small

Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$10.00 /mo

Billed yearly 5% discount
$114.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • Profile 100 5,000 125,000


  • check_small Worlds best Profile API
  • check_small Takes private profiles
  • check_small With limited, vac & tradeban Info


Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$20.00 /mo

Billed yearly 5% discount
$228.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • Profile 200 20,000 500,000


  • check_small Worlds best Profile API
  • check_small Unique feature: Takes private profiles also
  • check_small With limited, vac & tradeban Info

Profile Pro

Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$30.00 /mo

Billed yearly 5% discount
$342.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • Profile 200 30,000 750,000


  • check_small Worlds best Profile API
  • check_small Unique feature: Takes private profiles also
  • check_small With limited, vac & tradeban Info

Profile Pro+

Access to all endpoints

Billed monthly
$40.00 /mo

Billed yearly 0% discount
$480.00 /yr

Rate Limits

  • Endpoint Minute Daily Monthly
  • Global 2 50 500
  • Profile 250 50,000 1,500,000


  • check_small Worlds best Profile API
  • check_small Unique feature: Takes private profiles also
  • check_small With limited, vac & tradeban Info

Frequently asked questions

Yes, the free plan is completely free. You can access all endpoints with it. However, it has a rate limit of 100 requests per minute. You can upgrade to a paid plan to increase this limit.

You can find the rate limit on the pricing page.

Yes, the rate limit is reset for each endpoint. If you exceed the limit for one endpoint, you can still access others.

No, you don't have to pay for individual endpoints. Your payment grants access to all endpoints. The global rate limit applies to all endpoints by default, unless an endpoint-specific limit is specified, such as for 'Inventory,' which takes precedence. Please note that using multiple accounts is grounds for suspension, and all accounts, including free ones, will be banned.

After payment, you'll receive an API key, granting access to all endpoints. Find the key in the dashboard and include it in the request header. Format it as 'Bearer API_KEY' (e.g., 'Bearer 1234567890').

Exceeding the rate limit results in a 429 status code. This indicates surpassing the allowed number of requests. Wait for the rate limit reset or upgrade to increase the limit.

The billing cycle is 30 days (if you dont buy yearly plan). You can cancel your subscription at any time, but please note that cancelling does not refund any remaining days in the current billing cycle.

Yes, your plan automatically renews every 30 days. You'll be billed accordingly and can cancel anytime.

No, you don't need a proxy to use our services. Everything is prepared for you.

Yes, you can use the API for commercial purposes, including building applications, websites, and accessing data for analysis and research.

No, your API key is for personal use only. Sharing it may result in account suspension or banning. If you need to share access, consider using multiple accounts.

No, refunds are not available once you've paid for a plan. Cancelling the plan won't refund remaining days of the billing cycle.